National Council of Manufacturers
A Collaboration of Manufacturing Leaders to Develop the U.S. Supply Chain Solution
CONNEX Marketplace is not just a technology platform, it is THE U.S. manufacturing solution and a movement to connect and strengthen the industry like never before.
To accomplish this, we’ve created a National Council of Manufacturers to participate as thought leaders to identify problems, find solutions, and take action in solving the U.S. supply chain issues. We want to hear directly from manufacturers about what is important to them and give select manufacturers an opportunity to help steer the direction that CONNEX Marketplace will go as the Supply Chain solution for our country.

Who It’s For
- U.S. Manufacturing Executives, Owners, Managers, Directors that deal with supply chain, procurement, business development contracting, sourcing and similar.
- Members should have an interest in improving the U.S. supply chain and better connecting manufacturers to increase industry growth.
- Only 2 representatives from each state.
Council Benefits
- Provide direct input on solutions that benefit manufacturers.
- Exclusive membership (only 2 seats per state)
- Participate in pilot programs or have early access as beta testers when we have major features that are nearing completion.
- Promote your business through our media channels.
- Eligible for exclusive promotions as they become available.
- Access to our “white glove” Sourcing Service at a substantial discount.

Council Goals
- Gather feedback and insight directly from manufacturers about what is important to them.
- Provide actionable input on how to grow CONNEX Marketplace as THE U.S. supply chain solution.
- Help grow the U.S. manufacutring industry.
- Improve collaboration across manufacturing regions and stakeholder groups.
To request a seat on the National Council of Manufacturers, please complete and submit the form below.