CONNEX Marketplace is the U.S. Supply Chain Solution for Manufacturers & MEP’s

Online Platform Connecting all U.S. Manufacturers & Suppliers

Database of 160K+ U.S. Manufacturers & Suppliers (and Growing!)

130+ National Industry Partners

National Platform is Free for all MEPs

Generates Income for MEP Centers

Significantly Helps MEP Centers Make a Positive Impact

Installed Within Some of the Largest Manufacturing States in the Nation


Amidst the global supply chain challenges, many MEP centers around the country are trying to better connect local manufacturers and suppliers by implementing new tools to help them more easily find and do business with each other and shorten their supply chains.

While some MEP’s are looking to build new tools for this, the solution is already here! It’s called CONNEX Marketplace and it’s an online platform that connects all U.S. manufacturers into a single, accurate, searchable scouting-database allowing buyers, manufacturers and suppliers to quickly find and connect with each other based on their exact needs and capabilities.

It was built in collaboration with manufacturers around the country, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and many other manufacturing organizations to significantly help regional manufacturers and suppliers find new opportunities and shorten their supply chains.


Benefits to Your MEP Center

Measure & Achieve MEP Impact Goals

Workforce and R&D Tools

Assess Supply Chain Readiness

MEP Revenue Share


Measure and Achieve MEP Impact Goals Through Improved Collaboration

Track your MEP impact directly through CONNEX and increase collaboration and coordination within your state’s manufacturing ecosystem. Through CONNEX, you can track and identify supply chain opportunities to support local businesses, source local suppliers and establish much needed partnerships with other manufacturers.

Workforce and R&D Tools to Help you Close the Skills Gap

With the built-in CONNEX workforce tool, states can identify and support training and other labor gaps that threaten state growth. Features include: visualizations and ability to search and filter by training, education, service types and resources. R&D tools within CONNEX allow you to faciliate opportunities between industry and research institutions.


Workforce and R&D Tools to Help you Close the Skills Gap

With the built-in CONNEX workforce tool, states can identify and support training and other labor gaps that threaten state growth. Features include: visualizations and ability to search and filter by training, education, service types and resources. R&D tools within CONNEX allow you to faciliate opportunities between industry and research institutions.



Assess Your State’s Supply Chain Readiness

The global pandemic has majorly disrupted state and local manufacturing supply chains. CONNEX helps manufacturers in your state mitigate their risk by identifying new opportunities between local manufacturers and suppliers and helping to raise awareness around ways to source locally. With built-in supply chain visualization tools, you can better help manufacturers identify and correct their supply chain risks.

Increase MEP Revenue

Through the CONNEX Revenue-Share program, your MEP organization can generate significant revenue to help fund your programs. MEP’s receive 20% of all revenue generated within the platform. This includes “success fees” generated from manufacturer/supplier contracts facilitated through the platform and subscription fees from manufacturers who sign up for access to the national database.


Increase MEP Revenue

Through the CONNEX Revenue-Share program, your MEP organization can generate significant revenue to help fund your programs. MEP’s receive 20% of all revenue generated within the platform. This includes “success fees” generated from manufacturer/supplier contracts facilitated through the platform and subscription fees from manufacturers who sign up for access to the national database.

Ready to Make an Impact?

Find out how you can better assist local manufacturers through a State/MEP implementation of CONNEX Marketplace